Child Psychology for the Everyday Parent

Podcasts featuring Paula as a guest

Understanding Body Matters Podcast

Supporting Children with Psychologist and Play Therapist Paula Noble

31 July 2023

On this week’s episode Paula speaks about her experiences and practice working with children, adolescence, and parents. Providing professional support including counselling support, parenting strategies, a range of psychometric assessments, diagnosis, and intervention. Highlighting that as a child psychologist, there is so much value in supporting children at young ages especially in overcoming early challenges, building resilience, working on emotional regulation, fostering positive relationships, and learning how to thrive. So please welcome our next special guest, Paula!

Blog Posts

Childhood adversity
Paula Noble Paula Noble

Childhood adversity

The landmark study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) was conducted by Vincent Felitti, MD, and the team from Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, along with Robert Anda, MD, epidemiologist at the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta.

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What is working memory
Paula Noble Paula Noble

What is working memory

One of the key cognitive abilities crucial for academic attainment is working memory.  This is the ability to briefly hold, maintain, or store information in mind while processing the same or other information. Auditory and visual information is retained in working memory for only a few seconds. For example in a typical adult only four to seven pieces of information can be maintained in working memory processing.

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Gifted Children with Asperger’’s Syndrome.
Paula Noble Paula Noble

Gifted Children with Asperger’’s Syndrome.

Gifted children, on occasion, can present with unique characteristics that can be put down to their giftedness. However, some gifted children are twice exceptional. Their unique behaviours and characteristics may be the presentation of another condition, such as a learning disability or Asperger's Syndrome.

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Helping your anxious child
Paula Noble Paula Noble

Helping your anxious child

All children (and adults) experience the 'worries.' After all the worries or anxiety is a normal human emotion. But what do you do if you feel like your child experiences anxiety to a greater degree than others? Or if their worries affect their daily living, such as going to school? How can you help your anxious child?

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